Thursday, August 26, 2010

three days of school have been...

actually pretty alright! 3hr lectures everyday can get a little boring sometimes, but i guess it's just a matter of getting used to it. Actually, my timetable's quite slack. i start lessons either at 12pm or 3.30pm. but then again, it's a 1hr journey from home, what a waste of time!

I'll update more about school when this week ends!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

fight on.

Each time I fall, i pick myself back up. I don't blame myself for falling, instead i'm grateful that i've another chance to prove my worth. Corny but true.

the new FCUK watch my sis bought for me! :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

memories that stay.

If I don't pack my room by today, I AM NOT CALLED GOHPECKYI!

Monday, August 16, 2010

i feel like a vegetable.

I refused to be confined to my bed the last one week before school even though i was sick, so i decided to go out to run, cause i thought it would "counteract" the flu, sore throat and what not. apparently it didn't and made it worse- i was stuck in the rain halfway and i died running after 15minutes cos my nose kept leaking and every step i took was SO DAMN TIRING. i feel so lethargic and restless now. shit la.

Bed-ridden. I HATE IT.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I have a new aspiration!

(although i highly doubt my parents will approve.)
School starts in 11 fricking days. PACK YOUR ROOM PECK!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

when holding on and giving up are equally draining.

Sometimes I try to my best to not think about where i've ended up, because i end up getting disappointed and it spoils my day. But in reality, comparisons happen and no matter how much you try to avoid it, it eventually gets to you.

I know i've disappointed not only myself but so many others. At times, just looking them brings tears to my eyes and i want to apologize so much, let them know how my best isn't good enough, how hopes shouldn't even have been placed on me.

It's been so hard to fall asleep lately. I've never felt so tired, mentally. All these while trying my best to put on a facade to mask what I really feel. I know I mustn't be unfair to my friends. I should't act according to my feelings and affect their mood. It's selfish. Right now, my smiles... I really don't know which of them are genuine anymore.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Treasure the moments.

It's so important to realize that what you're doing is genuinely what you want.

Because time slips away faster than you think.

Friday, August 6, 2010

good food, good company!

At manhatten fish market, something's fishy going on- the spaghetti's only 4 bucks!

I've been out almost everyday this week. I need to stay at home to start packing my room for school!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

shoot me someone.

While waiting for weizhen- who made me miss the first few minutes of the movie! and who clearly knows i am the kind who HATES missing first parts of any movie! (haha)


NEW MOONbig walk was alright, the only climax was the thunderstorm and rain which kept the lights and fans shaking like they were going to fall anytime. Flying tents and what not. And then all in my mind was, fml for agreeing to come. lol.

The rain stopped. I thought the worst was over but hey! guess what? no no.
I was being thrown on stage to pass prizes to this relatively important person to pass to someone EVEN MORE important and so on... (see how the chain goes on so long, which also goes to show how un-important i am since i'm right in front of the damn chain! )

and, i was ignorant of the order of the prizes and who to pass to because it kept changing, so half the time i was trying my best to squeeze out a smile despite being -beeping- flustered. fml.

ANYWAY, before I went for this event, I wanted quite badly to have a picture with jeanetteaw, like side by side? And i thought i could. but i could only get this close...

(i think i deserve more than 7/hr)